30 Days of Thanksgiving – Day 23

We watched a group of mallard ducks and their young waddling in the water today.  Our little boy was so thrilled just watching them moving along.  Then, at his initiative, we proceeded to look for the ant hills.  “Maybe they’re still there,” he said.  We ran across the greenish grassy parking lot, all sopping wet from the rains the last two days, and found the first anthill.  He pushed his shoe on it because he had to see the ants.  It took a few seconds before they came out and when they did, he sounded almost relieved, “There they are!  Let’s go find some more!”  So we did and we found at least three more.  Each time he had to push his shoes on the damp hill and each time we had to wait and make sure the ants are coming out.

The wind was getting more wickedly cold so we decided to go back in the car, with a little reluctance from him.  As we were walking, there ascending from the waters into the grayish sky were the ducks, quack-quacking, flying away.  “Oh no!  They’re going, Mommy!  Maybe there are some more ducks left behind.”

We had to look.  But we didn’t see anymore ducks.  Then, as we closed ourselves in the car, I spotted two mallard ducks and a young one beside.  “Look, that looks like a Mommy and Daddy duck with their baby duck,” I said to my little guy.  After straining his little body to look out past the high dashboard, he exclaims excitedly, “I see them, Mommy!”  Concerned, he said, “Aww…maybe we should bring them in the car so the baby duck will be safe.”

Meanwhile, Hubby’s out in the cold, enjoying flying his tricopter around the parking lot.  Concerned for the duck’s safety, our little guy stuck out his head and shouted at the top of his voice, “Daddy, don’t scare the ducks!”  He did this two more times.

This duck family lingered, much to our little boy’s delight, of course.

Everyday, as I care for this little boy, I am awed by his grasp of emotions.  He cares so well.  The other day at a park, all the kids decided to get in on playing hide and seek.  Our little one was on the side watching this all unfold.  Then he noticed another kid, about his size and age, sort of just hanging out at the bottom of the twin slide.  He went to him and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll play with you.”  They ran together to the swing area and of course, within a minute were getting themselves in trouble.

I love my little boy’s heart.  I love watching him reaching out to others.  He reminds me often that it isn’t all about me.  There are many others who need comforting – a hug, a word of encouragement, a prayer, an ear to lend, a meal.  I am very thankful for our son and all the joys be continually brings to our lives.

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